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Tips For Disembarkation Day: Things to do before the end of your cruise

Embarking on a cruise vacation can be an exciting and memorable experience, but as the saying goes, all good things must end. And for many travelers, the most stressful part of their trip may be disembarkation day – the day when they must leave the ship and return to reality. However, with careful planning and preparation, disembarkation day can be manageable. In this blog post, we’ll share tips and tricks to help you make the most of your last day on board and ensure smooth sailing from ship to shore.

Use The Self Disembarkation Option

The “Self Assist” program is a fantastic option for light travelers and those with early flights when disembarking your cruise. Not only can you enjoy faster disembarkation by carrying your luggage, but it also provides convenience for early airport transfers, giving you more time to reach the airport and complete security checks. As a light traveler, you’ll appreciate the freedom of movement and reduced waiting times compared to traditional baggage handling processes. Best of all, there are no additional fees involved! So go ahead, give the “Self Assist” program a try, and make your cruise vacation even smoother.

Book Another Cruise

You should book your next cruise onboard to take advantage of exclusive discounts. By booking early, you could enjoy reduced fares, onboard credits, and other perks unavailable to those who book later. This way, you can save money on your next voyage and make the most of your travel budget.

Keep Your Cruise Card And Passport Close

Keeping your cruise card and passport close throughout the process is essential. These two items are crucial for leaving the ship and passing through customs. Ensure they are readily available to avoid holding up the line and causing unnecessary delays.

Turn Off Airplane Mode

Taking your phone off airplane mode at the end of your cruise is essential to reestablish connectivity. By doing so, you can make and receive calls, send text messages, and use mobile data as needed. This lets you communicate with friends, family, and colleagues after your trip and ensures you can stay connected in emergencies.

Check Your Bill The Night Before

Checking your bill the day before disembarking your cruise offers several advantages, such as identifying errors and discrepancies in your account early, allowing you to resolve them more quickly while still on board. It also helps you avoid long queues at guest services on the final morning, as many people wait until the last minute to settle their bills.

Verifying gratuities charged by most cruise lines to passengers’ accounts ensures they are correctly applied and allows adjustment if necessary. Furthermore, being aware of your total expenses helps you make informed decisions about any last-minute purchases on board or in port.

Finally, giving yourself ample time to address payment method issues is less stressful and more convenient than attempting to resolve them after disembarking.

Don’t Drink Too Much

During the last night of a cruise, avoiding excessive drinking is best, as doing so can have several negative consequences. Overindulging in alcohol not only hampers your ability to pack and organize for disembarkation but also increases the likelihood of experiencing hangovers, nausea, and fatigue when you leave the ship. 

Disembarkation day can be tiring due to travel arrangements and crowded areas. Being clear-headed is crucial to ensure a hassle-free experience and reduce stress during this process.

Don’t Get Up Too Early

Waking up too early on the disembarkation day of your cruise might not be the best idea, as it could cut short your last night’s sleep and leave you tired for the journey home. Disembarkation often occurs in stages, so waking up early may lead to extended waiting times with limited onboard amenities available as the crew prepares for departure.

Additionally, dining areas can become crowded during peak breakfast hours, leading to long lines and difficulty finding seating. Unforeseen delays due to customs clearance or weather conditions can also occur, making an early rise unnecessary and prolonging your wait time.

To ensure a smooth disembarkation process, following your cruise line’s specific guidelines and recommendations for departure timing is advisable.

Check Your Luggage Tags And Group Color

The luggage tags provided by the cruise line are not merely decorative but serve a valuable purpose in organizing the disembarkation process. The tags, which may be color-coded, should be firmly attached to your luggage when you place them outside your cabin. Each tag includes a group number that reflects an estimated time for disembarkation, essentially acting as a schedule for when you should prepare to leave the ship.

Tip Your Cabin Steward

Tipping your cabin steward at the end of your cruise is a customary practice and a way to show appreciation for their hard work and dedication throughout your trip. By tipping your cabin steward at the end of your cruise, you thank them for their excellent service and acknowledge their efforts to make your vacation experience unforgettable.

Pack Some Clothes And Personal Items Into A Carry On

Packing some clothes and personal items into a carry-on bag the night before disembarkation from a cruise is important to ensure a smooth and stress-free departure.

When you have to place your luggage outside the room, it’s crucial to have fresh clothes, medications, toiletries, and other items in your carry-on for the following day. Depending on the ship’s schedule, retrieving your checked luggage on disembarkation day may take several hours. Having essentials with you will allow you to freshen up, take any necessary medications, and feel comfortable during the sometimes-lengthy process of leaving the ship and going through customs.

Additionally, packing valuable items or important documents in your carry-on ensures their safety and security during travel.

Avoid The Elevators If You Aren’t Carrying Luggage

Elevators are likely to be very crowded, especially during peak hours. Therefore, using the stairs can be faster and more efficient for passengers not carrying their luggage. Moreover, with everyone trying to leave the ship at once, there may be long wait times for elevators, whereas the stairs will always remain an accessible and quick alternative. 

Don’t Forget Anything In Your Cabin (And Safe)

To ensure you don’t leave anything behind when disembarking from your cruise, it’s a good idea to check all cabin areas. Start by opening all drawers and closets and checking the bathroom for any personal items.

Next, look under the bed and around the room for any books or other belongings you may have brought onboard. 

Lastly, check the safe for any valuables you’ve stored during your journey.

Book Flights After Midday

Booking flights after midday on disembarkation day from a cruise is highly recommended. This is because customs and immigration procedures can take several hours to complete. Additionally, the ship must unload all the passengers’ luggage, which can take some time. By booking flights after midday, you will have ample time to complete these processes without feeling rushed or stressed.

Consider Renting A Car If You Have A Late Flight

If you have a late flight, renting a car is one thing to consider. This can save you time and money, as you won’t be stuck around the airport for hours. Additionally, renting a car gives you more flexibility in terms of exploring your final port city before heading to the airport. Just plan accordingly and factor in enough time to drop off the rental car and get through security before your flight.

Do A City Tour If You Have The Time

Exploring a new city can be an exciting and enriching experience, especially with limited time. If you have a few hours before your flight, doing a city tour could be the perfect solution. With a city tour, you’ll get to see the city’s main highlights without worrying about transportation or planning an itinerary. You’ll also get to learn about the history, culture, and lifestyle of the locals from your knowledgeable guide. Plus, it’s an opportunity to capture some stunning photos and create lasting memories before heading back home.

Hotel Day Pass For Late Flights

Spend the day at a hotel if you have a late flight

A hotel day pass can make the transition smoother for those with late flights. Many hotels offer this option, allowing passengers to spend the day at a hotel before heading to the airport. This provides access to amenities such as pools, restaurants, and lounges while also giving travelers a place to store their luggage.

Pack The Night Before

It’s always a good idea to pack the night before disembarkation day of your cruise. This is because you’ll need to vacate your cabin early in the morning on that day, typically around 8 or 9 am.

Waiting until the morning can be stressful and rushed, as you’ll need to have everything packed and ready to go before leaving your cabin. By packing the night before, you can take your time and ensure that everything is properly packed and organized, making for a smoother disembarkation process.

Additionally, if you have any last-minute purchases or items to pack, you’ll have plenty of time to do so without feeling rushed or stressed out.


In conclusion, disembarkation day may not be the most exciting part of your cruise, but it is necessary. By following these tips, you can ensure a smooth and stress-free end to your trip. Pack your bags the night before, have all necessary documents ready, and plan for transportation beforehand. With these things in mind, you’ll be able to enjoy your last few hours onboard and leave feeling satisfied with a wonderful vacation behind you.