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Cruising with Diabetes: A Diabetic Guide on How to Travel with Diabetes on a Cruise

Cruising can be a great way to take a break and relax, but if you have diabetes, it can throw a wrench in the works. Whether you are new to managing your diabetes while cruising or a seasoned traveler, there are some things to remember when you go on a cruise with diabetes. It is a common disease, according to the American Diabetes Association, 11.3% of the American population has diabetes. This blog post will discuss what it is like to travel with diabetes and provide some helpful tips for diabetes management.

Should I go cruising with Type 1 diabetes?

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disorder in which the body does not produce enough insulin, the hormone responsible for regulating blood sugar levels. People with type 1 diabetes must monitor their blood sugar levels closely, take insulin injections, or use an insulin pump to manage their condition. Individuals with type 1 diabetes should take extra precautions when traveling, as changes in environment or diet can affect blood sugar levels. Additionally, it is essential to plan and have a diabetes management plan in place before embarking on a cruise. This should include having enough medication and supplies and the necessary equipment to monitor blood sugar levels. Additionally, individuals should research the onboard medical services and talk to their doctor before leaving on the cruise.

How to make Your Trip Less Stressful

First and foremost, it’s essential to plan and make sure you have everything you need to manage your diabetes while on the cruise. Before you leave, ensure enough prescription medication, test strips, and insulin to last the duration of the trip. Pack extra supplies just in case, as well as a glucose meter and lance. You’ll also want to bring snacks and drinks that are low in sugar and high in protein. This will help you maintain your blood glucose levels and keep your energy levels up.

Once on the cruise, it’s crucial to maintain your regular diabetes care routine. Check your blood glucose levels regularly and take your medication as prescribed. If you’re feeling unwell, don’t hesitate to reach out to the medical staff on board.

It’s also important to get plenty of rest while on the cruise, take breaks throughout the day, and get plenty of sleep at night. Also, consider participating in low-impact activities, such as walking or swimming. And remember to drink plenty of water, which helps regulate your blood glucose levels.

Finally, remember to enjoy yourself. Make sure to take time to relax and have fun. Whether you’re spending time at the pool, exploring the ship, or dancing the night away, make sure to take the time to do things you enjoy.

Travel Tips for People With Diabetes

Traveling with diabetes can be a bit of a challenge. But with the proper preparation, you can make the most of your journey and stay healthy. Here are some travel tips for people with diabetes to help you get started.

First, keeping your blood glucose levels as close to normal as possible is essential. Before you travel, make sure to check your blood glucose levels and adjust your medications accordingly. Consider also carrying a glucometer and testing strip with you.

Secondly, you should always pack a carry-on bag with the necessary supplies. For instance, if you wear an insulin pump, you’ll want to ensure that you have the required pump supplies, such as extra infusion sets and reservoirs.

When it comes to air travel, you should also consider packing snacks and other items to help keep your blood glucose levels stable. For example, a healthy snack containing complex carbohydrates, such as nuts, dried fruit, and crackers, can help you avoid energy dips and spikes. Additionally, if you’re traveling by plane, it’s essential to make sure that you drink plenty of water and wear comfortable clothing.

Carry extra insulin on a cruise with type 1 diabetes

It’s important to understand that cruises tend to have a lot of unpredictable factors that can affect your diabetes management. Long days of sightseeing, changes in time zones and climate, and the constant stimulation of being surrounded by other people can all affect your blood sugar levels. This means you may need more insulin than you would at home to keep your blood sugar in check.

Another reason to carry extra insulin on a cruise is the onboard activities. Whether swimming in the pool or participating in a fitness class, plenty of activities require extra energy, and you’ll need to adjust your insulin accordingly.

Additionally, while many cruises offer medical services onboard, they may only sometimes have access to the correct type of insulin. By carrying extra insulin with you, you can ensure that you always have the right supplies and that you can adjust your insulin levels in case of emergencies.

Also, you never know what kind of delays you may face when you travel. Delays due to inclement weather or mechanical issues can mean you cannot take your insulin on time. Having extra insulin on hand can help you control your diabetes even when things don’t go perfectly.

Finally, there are plenty of buffets and different foods to choose from. It can be challenging to stick with a diabetic diet when you’re surrounded by tempting food, so it’s essential to carry extra insulin on a cruise. Having extra insulin on hand in emergencies can help you maintain your diabetes management.

Bring Glucose Tablets

Glucose tablets are small, easy to carry, and provide a fast way to raise low blood sugar levels. Whether you are feeling the symptoms of a hypoglycemic episode or are just trying to take extra precautions to ensure that your blood sugar levels don’t become too low, having glucose tablets at your disposal can be incredibly helpful. They are especially helpful if food isn’t available on a shore excursion or if you are too far away from the buffet to grab a snack.

Use timers for blood sugar checks

Blood sugar levels can fluctuate during a cruise due to changes in your diet, activity level, and environment. Keeping track of your blood sugar levels is essential to stay healthy and safe while on your cruise. Setting a timer for blood sugar checks on a cruise helps you stay on top of your diabetes care. This will enable you to take action immediately if your blood sugar levels start to rise or fall too quickly, and it will ensure that you stay in control of your diabetes while on your cruise. 

Also, keeping a record of your blood sugar levels while on the cruise is a good idea. This will help you to better understand how your blood sugar levels tend to fluctuate and how to adjust your diabetes care accordingly. For example, if your blood sugar tends to spike after a big meal, you can change your insulin dose to prevent a high blood sugar episode.

Diabetes Travel Checklist

Traveling with diabetes can be difficult, especially if you are planning a cruise. Before you can enjoy the great activities, food, and drink aboard the cruise ship, there are certain steps you need to take to ensure your diabetes is well managed. 

Here is a diabetes travel checklist for diabetics on a cruise to help you stay safe and healthy. 

1. Speak to your healthcare team before you leave. As with all travels, informing your doctor and other healthcare professionals about your upcoming trip is crucial. They can help assess your needs, especially if you are unfamiliar with cruising, and provide the necessary advice and guidance for managing your diabetes on a cruise. 

2. Pack the right supplies. Make sure to visit the pharmacy for an ample supply of diabetes supplies and medications, such as insulin, glucose monitoring devices, continuous glucose monitors, test strips, lancets, and other supplies, so you can easily manage your diabetes while away from home. 

3. Bring healthy snacks. Eating healthy snacks while on board the cruise ship, such as low-sugar snacks and dried fruits and nuts, can help you manage your diabetes more easily. 

4. Monitor your blood glucose levels. Checking your blood glucose levels regularly is essential for diabetes self-management, even while you’re on vacation. Bring your glucose monitoring devices with you and test your levels frequently. 

5. Stay active. Take advantage of the onboard fitness center, or plan for walks around the deck or swimming in the pool. Physical activity can help keep your blood glucose levels in check. 

6. Remember your sunscreen. Sun exposure on a cruise can be intense, and sunscreen is essential for protecting your skin from sunburn and damage. 

7. Manage stress. Stress can affect your blood glucose levels, so plan time for relaxation and stress-management activities.

8. Keep your diabetes medications safe. Make sure to keep your diabetes medications with you at all times and store them securely.

Do cruise ships cater for diabetics?

Cruise ships are a popular holiday option for many people, and those with diabetes want to ensure they can still enjoy the experience. Fortunately, most cruise lines today offer healthy options that cater to dietary restrictions – including those of diabetics. 

Menus typically include low-sugar items such as salads, soups, and proteins like grilled fish, chicken, and vegetables. These dishes contain significantly fewer carbohydrates than other entrees like pizza or pasta so that guests with diabetes can be sure their blood sugar levels remain stable during their trip. Additionally, many cruise ships now provide vegan, gluten-free and sugar-free alternatives for those looking for healthier food choices. 

Furthermore, some cruise lines also offer specific diabetic-friendly meals on request if passengers prefer to avoid what’s already on the menu.

How do you keep insulin cool on a cruise?

First and foremost, do NOT use the mini fridge in your stateroom. These fridges are not designed to keep medications properly cold, so it’s best to avoid using them for this purpose. Contact guest services for advice on storing your insulin and other medicines. Each cruise line offers different ways to store insulin, such as special coolers or storage in the infirmary.

You could also invest in an insulated travel bag for storing medications. These bags have insulation and cooling packets to keep insulin at the desired temperature range of 36-46 degrees Fahrenheit. It’s also essential to choose a bag with enough room for all of your medication and any other necessary supplies, such as test strips or syringes.

Do cruise ships carry insulin?

For those who require insulin to manage their diabetes, it is essential to know that it is available on cruise ships in the event of an emergency. Cruise ships have medical staff onboard who can provide medical care and assistance, and they can provide emergency insulin if needed. It is essential to mention that cruise ships do not carry insulin as part of their regular supply, and it is not available for purchase onboard. 


When cruising with diabetes, it is crucial to be prepared for any emergency. Before embarking on a cruise, it is essential to pack a well-stocked medical kit that includes an extra supply of diabetes medications and supplies, such as insulin and test strips. It is also recommended to bring along a copy of your medical records to ensure that you receive the proper care in an emergency. Additionally, it is crucial to have a plan in place for managing your diabetes while onboard, with regular monitoring and tracking of glucose levels. Taking these precautions ensures that you are prepared for any potential emergencies while cruising with diabetes.