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Cruise Tips And News

Are Caribbean Cruises Rough?

Cruise ships are designed to sail in rough seas. The hull can withstand high winds and waves, and the stabilizers keep the ship from rocking. However, the captain must alter the ship’s itinerary when conditions are too severe. If a storm is brewing, the ship will head for calmer waters.

The decision to alter a ship’s course is not made lightly, and the captain must consider the safety of the passengers and crew as well as the condition of the ship. If a storm is severe enough, the captain may have no choice but to head for port.

As a rule, most cruise lines don’t pass through very rough seas, and itineraries can be changed to avoid bad weather conditions. In October of 2018, for example, Hurricane Michael caused some cruise ships to change their itineraries. The Carnival Glory was one of those ships, and it was initially supposed to visit Grand Cayman but remained at sea instead. Also, in September 2022, the Bahamas had 17,000 additional cruise ship passengers due to hurricanes forcing itinerary changes.

So, can cruise ships sail in rough seas? The answer is yes, but it’s not something that they often do.

Are sailings rough during hurricanes?

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Caribbean region experiences an average of 14 named storms per hurricane season. Seven of those storms typically become hurricanes, and three typically become major hurricanes.

If you’re considering booking a cruise during hurricane season, you may wonder if it will be rough. After all, no one wants to spend their vacation seasick!

Of course, there is always the possibility of a severe storm, in which case the captain may have to take evasive action. This could mean navigating away from the hurricane or even changing course entirely.

In any case, the safety of passengers is always the captain’s top priority, so you can rest assured that you’ll be in good hands. So, if you’re looking for adventure, don’t let the hurricane season deter you from booking that cruise!

If a hurricane is predicted to land near the port where your cruise ship is scheduled to dock, your sailing will likely be canceled or re-routed. This is because cruise lines must maintain safety for the crew and passengers.

However, if the hurricane is not expected to land near your port, your voyage will probably not be affected. Cruise ships are large and stable so they would remain afloat even in high winds and heavy rain.

Quick Fact: The main difference between a hurricane and a typhoon is their location. Hurricanes form over the North Atlantic Ocean and the Central/Eastern North Pacific Ocean near the equator, while typhoons form over the Northwest Pacific Ocean.

When is hurricane season in the Caribbean?

The Caribbean’s hurricane period commences on June 1 and terminates on November 30. The region is particularly vulnerable to hurricanes during this time of year due to its location. Hurricanes form over warm ocean waters and then travel westward, often making landfall in the Caribbean.

This season can be devastating for the islands of the Caribbean, as hurricanes can bring high winds, storm surges, and heavy rains that can damage infrastructure and homes. In addition, hurricanes can also cause widespread power outages and flooding.

Hurricane season varies in severity; some years see very few hurricanes, while others see multiple storms. It is always best to check with your cruise line for up-to-date information on their schedule and monitor the weather forecast leading up to your cruise.

What is the best time of year to go on a Caribbean Cruise?

There is no definitive answer to this question, as everyone enjoys different things about Caribbean cruises. Some people prefer to go when it is warm and sunny, while others enjoy the cooler weather and smaller crowds. Ultimately, it depends on what you are looking for in a cruise. If you want to avoid the crowds, plan your trip for the off-season (typically November to Early December).

The hurricane season also falls during this time, so check the weather forecast before booking your cruise. This will help you avoid the roughest seas of the cruise season. If you don’t mind the heat and want to enjoy all the beach activities, then the summer peak season is ideal. Remember that prices will be higher and crowds will be more prominent during this time.


Caribbean cruises are typically canceled or re-routed when hurricanes are present in the area. Travelers should check with their cruise line for up-to-date information. In general, cruise lines will take measures to ensure the safety of their passengers. While there is always some risk associated with a Caribbean cruise, the rewards (including beautiful views and relaxation) generally outweigh the risks.